17 August 2018

Falling in Love vs. Staying in Love

If you want to fall in love - even with a stranger - you can download an app and follow instructions: Ask each other 36 questions and then look into each other's eyes for 4 minutes of silence.

I'm serious! This article is about the backstory of this app. 

But can this love last?

15 August 2018

#1 Remedy for Overcoming an Addiction

Why am I addicted in the first place? This is a question most never, ever ask. But it's the most important.

13 August 2018

"The Cost of Success is Loneliness" ... Wait, says who?

We come across social media memes that are readily shared and liked, but when you look closer - are they really even true?

Let's examine this one called "The Cost of Success":

09 August 2018

Mark Gungor says "Women's Brains are like Spaghetti"

And that's why they remember everything!

This is my favorite video to show couples struggling with communication ... or who simply need a good laugh together.