Showing posts with label Life Coaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Coaching. Show all posts

13 September 2018

Determine Your Personality by Answering 4 Questions

There are many types of personality scoring devices out there. I really like this one because it's QUICK, EASY and FREE; and you get results after answering just four questions.

03 September 2018

Happy Labor Day - But Please, Don't Forget About Me!

Labor Day / 4th of July / Memorial Day - they're all wonderful American holidays that remind us of our heritage.

We buy food; we fill up the coolers with ice; we grill and prepare the cornhole boards and maybe horse shoe pits. But do we maybe overlook the most important?

28 August 2018

Don't Judge Me!

Being judged negatively is one of the worst feelings. But aren't we all quick to judge?

Here's how to be objective without throwing darts.

22 August 2018

How to Make Decisions that Change the Way You Live

300 e-Mails in your In-Box?
A desk overflowing with paperwork?
A basement that looks like this?

They can all be overcome by learning how to decide.

15 August 2018

#1 Remedy for Overcoming an Addiction

Why am I addicted in the first place? This is a question most never, ever ask. But it's the most important.

13 August 2018

"The Cost of Success is Loneliness" ... Wait, says who?

We come across social media memes that are readily shared and liked, but when you look closer - are they really even true?

Let's examine this one called "The Cost of Success":

06 August 2018

What Does your Inbox tell you about your Life?

Or one could ask: Does the number of e-Mails in your inbox relate to your level of stress?

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