Marriage Enrichment

Are you ready to throw in the towel? Have you been to psychologists or therapists who simply didn't help? Lot's of talk and no practical application?

In every marriage there will be disagreements. My approach is not to put out your current fires, but to use them to teach YOU as a couple how to deal with the ongoing fires that necessarily come back again and again.

When couples stop communicating, it's often because they don't want to hurt each other. But then wounds cannot heal, and there is no way out of the pain, disagreements and bitterness.

At first it might hurt to open back up and share honestly, but once you learn how to work them through, with no judgement and a lot of patience and love, you begin to pick up skills that will last for the rest of your life.

I have worked successfully with many couples from different cultures and with very different obstacles. I promise you that if you are both willing and honest, that you will walk away after only a handful of sessions, with a renewed love and tools that you will be able to use again and again.

There is hope for your love. There is hope for your family.

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