13 August 2018

"The Cost of Success is Loneliness" ... Wait, says who?

We come across social media memes that are readily shared and liked, but when you look closer - are they really even true?

Let's examine this one called "The Cost of Success":

I wish I could ask whomever created this meme:
"What is your definition of success?"
At first glance this meme seems to propose hard work and a spirit of sacrifice, but whoever wrote it offers no positive definition of what we should be fighting for. We are left hanging with a vague sense that they mean monetary gains or possibly business growth.

But what if my definition of success is defined by ME? As it well should be. High on my list would be things that go in direct contradiction to this meme.

In other words, my definition of real success would include:

  • A good night's sleep.
  • Close, lasting friendships.
  • Solid communication.
  • A healthy well-being.

Don't allow the culture to dictate what it means to be a successful person. Choose your own balanced goals and set out your personal plan to reach them.

No, it's not worth it to sacrifice friendships in order to make more money.

And let's remember history: Those who made the greatest impact on humanity are those who remembered to put people first.

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