21 July 2018

Who Am I?

Nathan Miller, STL. PhL.
+ Holistic Life Coach
+ Marriage Enrichment
+ Blogger
+ Public Speaker

Who am I?

I am a multilingual single Catholic business owner, 3rd oldest in a family of 14 children. I am licensed from a Pontifical University in both Theology and Philosophy, which gives me a unique, holistic and down-to-earth approach. I have had over 16 years of international multilingual mentoring practice.

I believe firmly in the importance of spiritual realities. At the same time, I understand that we all have basic human needs such as health, sleep, exercise, friendships and success.

The key to growth in virtue, as taught long ago by Aristotle, is balance in all good things.

(See Testimonies of those I have coached over the years.)

Life Coaching

I help individuals design tangible road-maps to personal success. I love coaching individuals one-on-one, and you will see quickly that I truly care about each and every person I meet.

I am not a psychologist. I am not licensed to treat individuals who struggle with PTSD, suicidal tendencies or similar diagnoses. Rather, I work with normal healthy adults, who just need some guidance discovering what they want, or how to get there, with the support of practical tools and healthy motivation.

Marriage Enrichment

My favorite work is helping struggling couples to rediscover their early love. I believe that I have been instrumental in helping a handful of marriages overcome serious obstacles and find new hope. I am certified in FOCCUS Inc. and have several years experience using this tool both to prepare couples for marriage and to enrich the relationships of existing couples.

Online Presence

LinkedIn (link)

Twitter (link)

Instagram (link)

Google+ (link)

1 comment:

  1. Lieber Nathan!
    Danke dass du mich über Facebook kontaktiert hast. Ich verwende dieses Medium jedoch nicht mehr. Einzig WhatsApp ist noch an, da auch unsere Gemeinschaft Bethabara (www.bethabara.at) dieses zur Info und Abstimmung nutzt. Wünsche dir Gottes reichen Segen und hoffe dich irgendwann wieder zu sehen! WOLFGANG PS. wir hoffen im Juli/August unseren Familienurlaub in den USA verbringen zu können (MidWest ab Denvermit dem Caravan; die Flüge haben wir schon im Jänner gebucht). Mal sehen was euer Präsident noch vor hat ...


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