13 September 2018

Determine Your Personality by Answering 4 Questions

There are many types of personality scoring devices out there. I really like this one because it's QUICK, EASY and FREE; and you get results after answering just four questions.

Freedom is something we all profess to love. But when you take a closer look, freedom is about choosing the me that I want, sometimes going against my natural tendencies or even against my upbringing. This can be hard. Developing good habits requires sacrifice and repetition and consistent effort.

As humans, unlike animals, we are NOT determined by our instincts or personality or past. They influence us, and yet, we are always free.

Understanding what our personal tendencies are, does not reduce our freedom, but rather enables us to understand ourselves better, and thus to be able to make decisions that are truly free.

IPERSONIC is designed to help people understand their personalities from the perspective of finding a matching career. In that sense it is limited, however, I have still found it to be very helpful.

This particular personality model presents 4 areas and asks: "on which side of the scale do you fall?" Are you more?

Outgoing or Reserved?
Practical or Theoretical?
Logical or Emotional?
Flexible or Organised?

Try it out! Did it match? Have you learned something about yourself? Let us know what you think.

Take the test here: (link)

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