05 August 2018

A Simple Game to Play with your Spouse on your Next Date Night

Ready to spark an intimate and meaningful conversation with your spouse? Here's an easy game you can play on your next date night out:

You'll each need pen and paper. After you both order your food and are waiting patiently sipping your drinks, take a few minutes to ask yourselves the following question about your significant other:

What are the five qualities/characteristics of my spouse that I value the most?

Take your time. Write them down secretly trying as best as possible to list them in order of importance to you.

Once you've both finished, the game begins. Alternating turns, now try to guess what your spouse put down about you. In other words, you're now trying to see yourself from your spouse's perspective: What does he/she really value the most about me?

The spouse who first guesses all five wins the game.

I have played this game with just about every couple I have counseled. It is actually surprising how different we tend to see and value our qualities vs. how our loved ones see and value them.

This game can spark a very meaningful and even intimate conversation for the evening, helping you to practically learn to love your spouse in the way they need.


As a followup, I have often asked the same couple when they returned next month, to see if they could even remember what their spouse put down about them - often they had quickly forgotten, or could only remember a few.

Remembering what you mean to your spouse is one of the easiest ways to grow in being what they need from you.

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